Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Feel So Bad, Mad and Sad !

Finally I decide to write again. Since I have no idea what should I do.
Today I feel so bad toward myself. The office condition is so suck. I need people to talk, but since I trust no one here so I can't make it. I need you to talk but you choose a silly football match over me. Yes, no one available to talk. I am very upset, but I can't angry. I feel like it would be useless.

In the end I said that I want to sleep and you believe it easily. As usual, you always believe in me, right? Don't you ever feel that something wrong happen? Actually I am not sleep, I am tired. I failed hold my tears, so I cry a lot.

My office life is really something, it such a mess. FULL of BULLSHIT and BIG JOKE.
How come they hate me just because I speak honestly and brave. And they prefer people who lazy and not so smart but look like a nice one. Damn ! They decide career path based on personal like and dislike. Such a childish.
What kind of office is this? I hate them with all my heart.
I really can't wait the time until I can take back my ijazah and become success. I must prove that they are totally wrong. That they only wasting my time and my talent.

However, I believe that I can pursue my career well.

But now, what I really need just someone to listened to me.
And ... no one here.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Sapaan Awal Oktober

Halo Oktober !
Hahahahahaaa... Kangen sekali sama blog ini. 
Jadi ceritanya kalo pas nggak di depan laptop pasti pengeeeen banget ngeblog.
Giliran sudah di depan laptop malah jadi nggak mood atau terjerumus ke hal-hal lain. :p
Manusia (seperti aku) memang mudah dipermainkan perasaan.
Sssttt...pada sepanjang tahun ini banyak bangeeeeettt kejadian super kopli yang terjadi di
antara kita berdua :))))
Kalau nggak kopli bukan kita itu mah namanya. 
Kayaknya bakal nyoba nulis mundur ke belakang a.k.a flashback.
Huwaaaa pasti ribet deh nginget-ngingetnya.
Salah sendiri males nulis. Males memang selalu merugikan bagi jiwa, raga, nusa & bangsa. -.....-
Besok kita berdua bakalan tes akademik buat Petro. Wish us luck !
Sayang banget sekalinya bisa tes malah nggak barengan jamnya ><
Tapi semoga aja ntar masuknya bisa barengan (maunyaaaaa). Hoho.
Yaudah yuk obok. :*

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Farewell With Our Lovely Jupitoo

Sometimes in life,you have to let go in order to receive something better.

Kemarin rasanya masih seperti mimpi. Saya dan pacar harus melepaskan salah satu dari anggota keluarga kami (halah) dengan ikhlas. Anggota keluarga kami ini sudah menemani pacar saya dan masnya selama delapan tahun lamanya. Dalam keadaan susah, senang, hujan, panas, pokoknya dalam segala situasi dan kondisi. Benar-benar partner setia yang bisa diandalkan. It's our beloved Jupito. Entah karena kebetulan atau apa, tapi saya dan pacar memang punya motor kembaran, sama-sama Yamaha Jupiter Z keluaran tahun 2004. Yang membedakannya hanya warna dan jumlah kilometernya. Karena punya saya dipakai perempuan, jadi jarang menempuh jarak yang jauh-jauh. :p Sepasang motor itu kami beri nama Jupiti (punya saya) dan Jupito (punya pacar). Seiring berjalannya waktu kami memutuskan bahwa sudah waktunya melepaskan Jupiti & Jupito . Kali ini giliran Jupito dulu yang dilepaskan. 
Malam Sebelum Jupito Dijual .
Dan tanggal 7 Juli 2012 kemarin, sekitar pukul 12.00 siang kami resmi melepaskan Jupito kepada seorang bapak-bapak. :') Beliau mengaku bernama bapak Setiyono, rumahnya di Krian. Campuraduk rasanya. Ada rasa patah hati seperti kehilangan anggota keluarga. Apalagi Jupito sudah menemani si pacar kemana-mana. Mulai dari kuliah, cari kerja, pergi dan pulang kerja, pacaran sama saya :p Banyak momen yang kami lewati bersama Jupito. Lagipula memang si Jupito ini motor favorit kami . Mesinnya bandel, sampai sekarang masih enak, dan bensinnya irit . Benar-benar juara !
See You :')
Kami berharap keluarga baru Jupito nanti akan merawat dan menjaganya dengan baik. Serta nggak memakainya dengan gradakan. Aneh ya, memang seringkali kita harus melepas sesuatu yang kita sayangi. Sebentar lagi giliran Jupiti dijual. Hati saya sudah dag dig dug derr rasanya . Karena cerita saya bersama Jupiti nggak kalah banyaknya. Malah mungkin lebih banyak, karena Jupiti menemani saya sejak saya SMA. :') 
Terimakasih banyak kepada Jupito, yang sudah sangat berjasa. Mengabdi dengan sangat baik dan setia. Ya ampun, nulis gini aja hati rasanya bergetar-getar. We Love You Jupito, Tetaplah Bandel di Jalanan. 

Isi Bensin Perdana di SPBU Waru :D

Dan, Selamat Datang Keluarga Baru. Supra X 125 . Yang diantarkan Tanggal 6 Juli 2012 Jam 19.30. Semalam sebelum Jupito dijual. :) Selamat bergabung dengan kami. Semoga kamu bisa jadi keluarga yang tidak kalah hebatnya dengan Jupito. :)

Test Drive Supro. Belum Ada Platnya :p

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Spending Satnite With Baskin Robbin

Look at this photo collage. This is what we've made in this weekend. We decide to use my Baskin Robbin voucher. So we go to Tunjungan Plaza, buy two cups of ice cream, each cup consist of two scoops. Then we take some picture to join photo contest. Wish us luck! Aamin.
While take some pictures we feel very embarassed. So many people look at us. Maybe they think we're just two villager people who never eat Baskin Robbin. -.- Because I did some pose in the middle of crowded. LOL.
I choose Green Tea and Pistachio Almond. And my boyfriend choose to have Blackforrest and Chocolate Chips. Yummy! Thank You Baskin Robbin for give me free voucher :DD Happy !!!
Hope we can try this next time. :)

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Talk About Another Dream

well see, im a bad blogger :p Seems like I never maintenance or update in all of my blog account. Hiks.
OK, dunno why but tonite I feel like in a mood to post something, even it just an unimportant one. What can I tell about us ( I mean me and my boyfriend of course), umm so many things happened recently. Make us feel sad, angry, happy and various feeling. I only can shout, HEY THAT'S LIFE ! Just enjoy the ride :)
My boyfriend still working with his job in Ispatindo. It's one of big steel company owned by India people. We can't meet except on holiday or weekend. But it's OK, as long as we have good communication in other way. What about me? Working in my soooo random theses. Geezzz.. Why can I finish it quickly u.u I'm bored with it.
On monday I attending Nestle  Career Day in my college and also join the first recruitment step. Wow, That's my very first time :D I will share the detail in my another blog. ;) But I really really hope to continue the test until the last step. Aamin.

Nah talk about dream, as I'm a daydreamer I always dream everywhere and everytime. LOL.
Now I'm gonna share my dream as an enterpreneur. Since in the early semester I've put this dream on my wishlist. I want to have fancy shop and sell anything I want to sell. Since I'm not yet start my own business so the wish always changing everytime. :)) It's increase day by day. I mean if yesterday I only want to have bakery shop then today I want bakery and coffee shop. Tomorrow I want clothing shop. Yes like that. u.u
OK, so I'll try to make a list what I want to sell in the future. Well yeah, I hope I can start my own business soon. Here we are:
* coffee & bakery shop
* shoes & clothing shop
* craft shop
and the latest one is mug & glass shop. :))
I want a cute shop that sell any rare items which you can only find there. :D Seems perfect of course. -.-
Just pray and try to make all of my dreams come true. OK, I will continue my dream and post something again soon. XOXO. 

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Imagine The Future

Simple Happiness in Our Future Home :)

How often do you imagine the future? Me? Everytime and every second. He he. Maybe every day, my brain was busy playing around. Imagine this and that. Plan, plan, plan. Yeaaah, being a girl who was too imaginative sometimes hard you know. Often do not make sense, or think all sorts, jump here jump there. : p
Well, one of my dreams in the future is ...
Home from work, watch cable TV at home, accompanied by hot coffee, and also a wide range of magazines and the latest books. I want a subscription to National Geographic, Vogue, and some other. If it occurred I'll write again here.
Anyway, I also want to install wi-fi at home with blazing speed. So no need to buffer with bad mood when a long time browsing. Can use downloaded any content I love. Streaming foreign TV channel or radio can also be used. Other advantages are obvious, do not have to fight with other family member if there is a need to use the internet all together. : D

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Hey, It's Seventeen !

Weehoo ! I am happy tonite. No, I am happy everyday, but happier today :p First, I wanna say thanks to God for give us chance to be together 'till now. Alhamdulillah. Second, I wanna say Congratulation for our Sweet Seventeen Monthlyversary :)) Then, bunch thanks for my querido for give me some beautiful nice surprise :D I do not assuming he will give a surprise, flowers and a book that I want very much . The book title is Madre, written by Dewi 'Dee' Lestari. Whoaaa !!! Melting . Sorry dear, I didn't prepare anything . I was a lousy girlfriend ._. Then, I also received additional gift from his auntie, a cute batwing dress. :) Look at the picture. The dress is suitable with my body size :p With no shame I immediately wear it to hang out with him. LOL.
My Version of Madre Cover :p

Lemme tell our schedule this saturday nite. We decided to visit Tunjungan Plaza as a hundred people destination. We just go to have windows shopping. No need to buy anything. Then I want to try Roti Tissue at Dapur Penang but the food is already sold out. Sigh. So we bought Chubby-chubby, it's kind of fried chicken with seasoning. Yummy ! We also buy Orenji at Cincau Station for the drink. Well, Suddenly I want to eat Padang Food. So we go out from TP, looking for Padang Food but find none. Finally we eat instant noodle at my home :D Nah nah, simple, but I love when do everything as long as with him. 
Batwing Dress, Love This :)

OK, just enjoy the pictures which I uploaded <3

Nice Gifts : Flower, Book and YOU !

Love ya. I can't wait to read this Madre. Aaaaaah.